Crime Report

Thank you, neighbors, for continuing to keep Fox Mill Estates a very safe community to live in. Over the past months, we have seen crime remain low in our community. However, neighboring jurisdictions are seeing a lot more vehicle break-ins around schools, soccer fields, etc. Wherever a lot of cars are located together seems to be where they are concentrating. They are looking for purses, wallets, GPS, phones, etc. – anything quick to grab. Take precautions if you are out to place your valuables out of sight or in the trunk. Lock your doors on both home and vehicles, placing valuables out of sight in your vehicle (including GPS, charging cables, phones, etc.) and keeping the porch and motion lights on at night will deter crime. It is a proven fact that communities that are well lit, create a deterrent to crime, as thieves prefer to work under the cover of darkness. Recent patrols came across 0, 7 and 4 open garages in the middle of the night. We remind you to keep your doors closed and locked, including your vehicles to protect your property.
If you see suspicious activity or have a complaint or concern, call the Fairfax County Non-Emergency number 703-691-2131 and report it or you may report it online or http://www. and click on “Make a Report.” The more reports made for any illegal activity, the more likely it will be stopped as the statistics and data trends emerge.
If you are interested in volunteering with this committee, more assistance is always appreciated. Please forward an email to neighborhood_watch@ to see what you can do to help.
Let’s be Proactive rather than Reactive to these types of situations. If you see something, say something.
If you see suspicious activity or have a complaint or concern, call the Fairfax County Non-Emergency number 703-691-2131 and report it or you may report it online at Complaints may be filed on the same page by clicking “File a report.” The more reports made for any illegal activity, the more likely it will be stopped as the statistics and data trends emerge.
Streetlight Update
Streetlight maintenance in our community is on ongoing process. If you see a streetlight out, please, send us an email to or you can report it online on Please make sure to have the pole numbers and the problem to report in the email form. Ex (CO220/VG27). If the pole doesn’t have a number, please indicate the closest address to the pole in question.
Volunteers Needed: If you would like to volunteer to help our neighborhood watch program be even better, please email your name and phone number to and we will contact you about how you can help. Thank you and we wish you a safe winter season ahead. Click here for website information for the Police Webpage, Helicopter Webpage, Police Incident Mapping, and Police Blog. For more information on helicopter traffic, please visit Frequently Asked Questions for the Helicopter DivisionNon-Emergencies: 703-691-2131For information on the national bike registry, please go to www.nationalbikeregistry.comWould you like to join the Neighborhood Watch? Email Do you have some ideas for a safer community? Email Have you seen something in the area that needs to be reported, but you are not sure who to contact? Email